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| | We are in Escondido, Ca specializing in binding equipment and self-publishing products that will gauruntee results. We have created a draft implementation of our final products. If you are looking for a binding machine binding machine and supplies, which are superior we can help. We know our products inside and out, and are here to support you through the selection of products. Please contact us by phone or e-mail with questions about the machines book binding. We are located in San Diego County. Thermal binding is the process of binding books with a heating tape. The Marcus M500 thermal binding machine is one of more than 20 products, founder created and patented Chow Cornelius.
Give us a call if you are interested in Thermal Binding Machines.
The heat treatment binds the pages and covers with heated glue strips. Once the glue cools there is a strong link that binds the pages together. The M500 and M100 Marcus machines apply binding tape from the top, pushing the glue on paper to create a strong bond. Plus you can create a label for your paper back as you want to identify the linked document. Marcus binding machines allow the user to link the document to both the side 8 1 / 2 inches and 11 inches page. We can also bind significantly smaller sizes too. |