Continued Progress From Youtube
Youtube has gone about its business a lot quieter that the other social networks this year but I think their evolution has been seriously impressive. Not only have they seen stunning growth with stats like 36 hours of video uploaded to the site every minute but theyve also massively improved the quality of video they stream and added a huge amount of impressive new features. Youtube have been quite aggressive in the way theyve been monetizing the content throughout the last year with a whole slew of new ad formats and they have still to crack the golden goose that will make them massively profitable but if there is one area that they are heading towards it is moving in to your living room. In 2011 Youtube needs to get better content either through partnering or producing their own. Youtube also needs to find ways on to your television and they have tried to do that through Google TV and Leanback and it is only through that combination of better content and being in your living room that they will find the bigger advertising money and become far more profitable. 2010 has been a great year for them in terms of progress and 2011 needs to be the same so as they evolve out of a simple video sharing site
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